
Review the key points before continuing.



Unfunded Requirements (UFRs) are situations, services, or products that you cannot fund with your current Control. Work with your Regional Program Director (RPD) to develop a well-written, well-documented Unfunded Requirements Specification to ensure the best possible outcome of funding your UFRs.

Funding Sources

When searching for potential funding sources for a UFR, an Installation Program Manager (IPM) can leverage Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) sources such as the:

  • Installation Program
  • Region Program
  • Region Comptroller (N8)
  • CNIC Comptroller (N8)
  • CNIC N9


Not all UFRS can be funded; therefore, UFRs are assigned a priority based on their necessity:

  • Priority 1 – Must Pay
  • Priority 2 – Mission Critical
  • Priority 3 – One-Time Efficiency
  • Priority 4 – Buy Ahead

Obligation Date

The date that funding must be obtained and supported by a procurement action or validated billet is:

  • Known as the latest obligation date
  • Determined by the IPM

Impact Statement

UFRs can impact your Program in various ways; determine:

  • If a UFR warrants submission to your RPD for possible funding. Then, make sure that you have a solid Impact Statement to accompany your submission
  • If any goods or services will be terminated if there is of a lack of funding; ensure they are included in your Impact Statement
An Impact Statement:
  • Describes what will be eliminated if the UFR is unfunded
  • Describes services or Programs that may be significantly reduced if unfunded
  • Cites negative customer impact
  • Indicates additional costs incurred by the customer or expenses to the Program

Justification Statement

A Justification Statement describes why the requirement is needed citing:

  • Policy
  • Mission
  • Common Output Level Standards (COLS)
  • Program Standards

Mitigation Plan

At times it may be necessary to adjust your Program's operations until funding is received. Before you implement a Mitigation Plan, ensure your Installation Commanding Officer (ICO) and RPD review and approve the plan. Consider a plan that:

  • Uses compensatory time and/or over-time
  • Detail personnel
  • Realign available Non-Labor funds to Labor
  • Contract for delivery of services
  • Uses funds in the Control already allocated to another purpose
  • Reduces services, Programs, or hours of operation

UFRs List

Keep a rolling list of all your prioritized UFRs. Purposes for keeping an updated prioritized list include:

  • Accurately reflects changes in customer needs
  • Reflects current Program requirements and mandates from higher authority
  • Enables the Program to meet COLS and Program Standards
  • Positions your Program to obtain funding for your UFRs when it is available
  • Places specific and current Program UFRs at the top of an ever-evolving list