Impact Statement
Impact Statement

UFRs can impact your Program in various ways. The impact may be the inability to fully staff and deliver required services or to replace unusable but necessary equipment. As IPM, you need to determine the level of impact that each UFR will have on your Program and if that impact warrants submission to your RPD for possible funding.

If a UFR warrants submission to your RPM for possible funding, make sure that you have a solid Impact Statement to accompany your submission.

Important aspects of an Impact Statement include:

  • Clearly describing what will be eliminated if the UFR is unfunded.
  • Describe services or programs that may be significantly reduced if unfunded.
  • Cite how customers may be negatively impacted by the the UFR
  • Indicate whether the UFR may create additional expense to the Program or costs incurred by the customer
Select each image to view an example of a solid Impact Statement.