Mitigation Plan
Mitigation Plan

While awaiting funds to be entered into your Program’s checkbook and Spend Plan, you may have to make adjustments to your Program's operations to keep it running smoothly. Adjustments may include curtailing current or planned services and programs, changes to operations and staffing, and improvising stop-gap measures to continue basic services. Develop a plan to mitigate the impact of the UFR until funding is received. Make sure your ICO and RPD review and approve your Mitigation Plan.

Some techniques for mitigating a UFR in either Labor or Non-Labor include the following:

  • Use compensatory time and/or over-time in lieu of a new billet (Labor)
  • Detail personnel (Labor)
  • Realign available Non-Labor funds to Labor (Labor)
  • Contract for delivery of services (Labor)
  • Reduce or eliminate services and Programs (Non-Labor)
  • Use funds in the Control already allocated to another purpose (Non-Labor)
  • Reduce hours of operation (Non-Labor)
Select the image to view a larger version of a well written Mitigation Plan.