
Regional Program Directors (RPDs) will usually receive final Controls and execution guidance from the Region Comptroller (N8) in September. Often, those Controls and guidance may not be provided until October or after the new fiscal year has begun. At this time, RPDs will verify the Phase Plan and Spend Plan, and Job Order Number (JON) list. RPDs may also prepare a Regional Business Plan with input from Installation Program Managers (IPMs). The Phase and Spend Plans, along with verified JONs, enable IPMs and RPDs to begin spending, or executing, Appropriated Funds (APF).


  • IDENTIFY Appropriated Fund (APF) Reporting Systems
  • DEFINE a Phase Plan
  • DEFINE a Spend Plan
  • DEFINE a Business Plan
  • DEFINE Job Order Numbers (JONs)
Select the image to view a larger version of the Prepare for APF Budget Execution process flowchart.