Data Call
Data Call

The data that an IPM is asked to provide in response to a POM data call will vary by Program. Instructions are provided in the form of POM guidance that is typically general at first and either amplified or explained in greater detail through Regional guidance and finally Program-specific guidance.

Although it can vary, POM guidance will likely contain the following areas of commonality:

  • General guidance
  • Specific business rules and policies
  • Known Initiatives or Vignettes
  • POM PREP Tool User Access Rules
  • Use of Personnel, Equipment, Supplies, Training, Ordnance, and Facilities (PESTOF) Pillars guidance
  • Models and Model data
  • COLS guidance
  • Timeline
  • Data Collection Process
  • Total Force (Active Duty base count)
  • Additional guidance
  • SICs
Select the image to view a larger version of the POM 15 Guidance and Business Rules document.