Ex. 2
Example 2

Review the example provided and decide whether this Reflection has met the process writing requirements.

INTRODUCTION Set the stage– Identify the part of the learning event that had personal meaning to you. Provide a brief overview.
While conducting the financial analysis of my Cost Center, it became apparent that I wrote my budget not knowing that the facility renovation would last so long and impact operations as much as it did. I really have too much Labor budgeted and I have to do something about this quickly without causing all my employees to jump ship.
EXPERIENCE Return to the experience– Describe what you did and how you personalized it for application to your job.
I have to look at my financial statements and find a creative solution to my Labor challenges.
PERCEPTIONS Examine your perceptions– Describe how you felt about your learning experience. Was anything missing? What insights did you gain? Do you feel more confident about performing this task?
I think my employees are going to like the new schedules. Only in a couple of cases will they have fewer hours, but at least they all get to keep their jobs. I am pleased with this solution and I believe our customers will be happy there is no reduction in the quality of service they receive.
EVALUATE Evaluate the experience– Describe how you will use the new knowledge or skill on the job.
I will continue to keep a close watch on Labor dollars. The analysis process learned here gives me the tools and steps to perform regular and accurate analysis of all my revenue and expense lines.
SUMMARIZE Wrap it up– Go over the main points. Identify those which had the greatest impact.
I am glad I learned how to identify variances in Labor dollars. It is really easy when you know what to look for. Taking the next steps - what to do about it - is the challenge.