
Review the key points before continuing.


EMA System

One of the systems most often used is the Enhanced Managerial Analysis (EMA) system. As a recipient and user of Appropriated Funds (APF) funding, you must be aware that:

  • EMA reports contain data for both Labor and Non-Labor execution
  • A monthly analysis of your Program's financial data is required
  • In addition to the monthly analysis, other instances may require review

The EMA system:

  • Is a module within the Command Financial Management System (CFMS)
  • Requires special permission to gain access
  • Produces many different reports
  • Provides users with specific financial data
  • Includes a customization feature

Labor Expenditures

Basic procedures for analyzing Labor expenditures are as follows:

  • Obtain financial data and assess the accuracy of the reported figures
  • Create and populate a financial analysis worksheet
  • Locate the Execution % and determine whether you are within the prescribe variance range
  • Determine possible reasons for over-executing or under-executing

Non-Labor Expenditures

Basic procedures for analyzing Non-Labor expenditures are as follows:

  • Obtain financial data and assess the accuracy of the reported figures
  • Create and populate a financial analysis worksheet
  • Locate the Execution % and determine whether you are within the prescribe variance range
  • Determine possible reasons for over-executing or under-executing

Plan of Action

In developing a plan of action, the Installation Program Manager (IPM) indicates the:

  • Likely or possible causes of unfavorable variances
  • Current status of the Program
  • Actions being considered or recommended

In the previous Labor analysis, the IPM would indicate:

  • Progress in recruiting a new employee
  • Labor dollars are not to be redirected
  • Employee task assignments
  • Employees being paid with Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF)

In the previous Non-Labor analysis, IPM would indicate the:

  • Possible causes of under-execution
  • Ways to bring the execution rate to an acceptable range
  • Need for furnishings and upgrades
  • Month or quarter expenses will be made

Brief Plan

A brief should provide the following:

  • Program's financial status
  • Possible causes for unfavorable execution
  • Highlighted Monthly Budget Status Report (or other selected report)
  • Financial execution issues and concerns
  • Actions for bringing execution back in line
  • Assistance needed