
Review the key points before continuing.


Continuing Resolution

A Continuing Resolution (CR) is a type of appropriations legislation which:

  • Allows for continuous government operations when a formal appropriations bill has not been signed into law by the end of the fiscal year
  • Indicates a joint resolution of Congress
  • Bears the signature of the President
  • Provides funding for existing federal Programs at current or reduced levels for a limited time

Operate Programs

The federal guidelines governing your Installation's funds:

  • Operates the federal government on a fiscal calendar from October 1st through September 30th
  • Requires both houses of Congress to approve and the President to sign an appropriations bill before the funds can be expended
  • Allows non-essential functions of the government to cease if Congress does not pass all fiscal year appropriations bills or if the President does not sign them. In this case, a CR must be passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President.

Typical CNIC guidance for Regions on operating under CR includes:

  • Categorizing new Programs that will not receive funding
  • Examining funds essential for operation
  • Managing Labor funds at the Regional level
  • Operating with the prior year’s Spend Plan
  • Rejecting travel and training funding

Also, be aware that CNIC guidance is subject to change each year, and that Regional guidance on CR may have more specific and precise instructions than CNIC guidance.