
Review the key points before continuing.


Data Call Requirements

In the second quarter of the fiscal year, Regional Program Directors (RPDs) provide informal budget guidance on authorized Labor and Non-Labor requirements. Installation Program Managers (IPMs) use this guidance to review their current budget policy, submission dates, and requirements. Actions the IPM performs to respond to the Budget Data Call include the following:

  • Identify justification requirements and budget input submission format
  • Acknowledge Fleet and Family Readiness (FFR) (N9) staff who may assist in budget preparation
  • Identify budget requirements to immediate supervisor

Budget Call data covers the current fiscal year, the next fiscal year, and the five budget-out years. The alternating budget process puts focus on the total Installation Program requirements for one year and emerging or new requirements.


Labor Req. Projections

For all Programs that receive Appropriated Funds (APF) support, budget and execution guidance may be presented in various formats. IPMs address the following when projecting Labor requirements and initiating billet changes:

  • Validate Civilian Personnel (CIVPERS) Labor by comparing actual billet numbers against those listed for each Installation
  • Identify some or all of the authorized billets at each Installation
  • Validate annual current Labor against authorized Labor
  • Determine staffing anomalies and their reasons
  • Gap, fill, or delete billets
  • Determine cost of Labor including benefits


Non-Labor Control Analysis

Preliminary Controls are:

  • Translated using total Base Operating Support (BOS) costs
  • Provided to the IPM in the second quarter
  • Used to analyze both Labor and Non-Labor

Direct Labor costs are subtracted from the Preliminary Control figure to estimate Non-Labor funding. Non-Labor funding:

  • Will be reduced if the final Control is less than the Preliminary Control
  • May be directly executed and spent on authorized expenditures

Funding Req. Preparation

To identify specific cost requirements for all Program accounts, locate this information:

  • Current and previous two year’s APF/Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF) budget and the budget working papers
  • Budget execution reports located in the Command Financial Management System (CFMS)
  • Program’s operational or seasonal trends and other historical patterns of operations

The following aids you in developing budget requirements:

  • FFR Region or department budget planning guidance
  • APF Labor reports
  • Current staffing plan(s)
  • Equipment requirements
  • Data on training requirements to include training costs and travel costs
  • Program activity needs list
  • Program Unfunded Requirements (UFR) list from previous years
  • Public work cost estimates

Budgeted accounts include both Labor and Non-Labor elements. Direct Labor includes Civil Service personnel salaries and benefits. While Non-Labor includes:

  • Travel and training
  • Equipment and supplies
  • Purchased services
  • Facilities
  • Other categories

If local policy requires it, prepare your portion of the budget brief. This information may be included in your Regional Business Plan.

Non-Labor Distribution

To project Non-Labor funding requirements use Preliminary Controls, the Budget Call, historical records, and Regional guidance. Follow these practices when verifying Non-Labor expenses:

  • Review Preliminary Control for both Labor and Non-Labor
  • Verify all Program expense elements/areas authorized for funding are supported by the Control
  • Document if Control meets, does not meet, or exceeds the requirement(s)
  • Project funding requirement based on current mission assets
  • Prioritize UFRs
  • Determine if Preliminary Non-Labor Control is sufficient
  • Verify all expenses are authorized
  • Distribute Non-Labor Control across each month
  • Recommend Control distribution to RPD
  • Submit APF requirements to RPD

IPMs verify expenses by using the following actions:

  • Verify if authorized Program expenses are supported by the Control
  • Record if Preliminary Control meets, does not meet, or exceeds requirements
  • Review mission assets to estimate future Non-Labor funding requirements
UFM Process

The method for executing APF as part of the NAF budget is called the Uniform Funding Management (UFM) process. Authorization for this process comes from the Region in an annual Memorandum of Agreement.

Regions must follow strict accounting procedures to document and track APF funds during the fiscal year.

RPDs refer to the NAF Budget Call in order to determine which NAF expenses are eligible for UFM.